You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore.
William Faulknerthe problems of the human heart in conflict with itself which alone can make good writing because only that is worth writing about, worth the agony and the sweat
William FaulknerWhen I was little there was a picture in one of our books, a dark place into which a single weak ray of light came slanting upon two faces lifted out of the shadow.
William FaulknerI imagine as long as people will continue to read novels, people will continue to write them, or vice versa; unless of course the pictorial magazines and comic strips finally atrophy man's capacity to read, and literature really is on its way back to the picture writing in the Neanderthal cave.
William FaulknerThey will endure. They are better than we are. Stronger than we are. Their vices are vices aped from white men or that white men and bondage have taught them: improvidence and intemperance and evasion-not laziness: evasion: of what white men had set them to, not for their aggrandizement or even comfort but his own.
William FaulknerThat's sad too, people cannot do anything that dreadful they cannot do anything very dreadful at all they cannot even remember tomorrow what seemed dreadful today
William FaulknerThe books I read are the ones I knew and loved when I was a young man and to which I return as you do to old friends.
William FaulknerShe wouldn't say what we both knew. 'The reason you will not say it is, when you say it, even to yourself, you will know it is true: is that it? But you know it is true now. I can almost tell you the day when you knew it is true. Why won't you say it, even to yourself?' She will not say it.
William FaulknerLike a fellow running from or toward a gun ain't got time to worry whether the word for what he is doing is courage or cowardice.
William FaulknerAt one time I thought the most important thing was talent. I think now that the young man must possess or teach himself, training himself, in infinite patience, which is to try and to try until it comes right. He must train himself in ruthless intolerance-that is to throw away anything that is false no matter how much he might love that page or that paragraph. The most important thing is insight, that is to be-curiosity-to wonder, to mull, and to muse why it is that man does what he does, and if you have that, then I don't think the talent makes much difference, whether you've got it or not.
William FaulknerIt's always the idle habits you acquire which you will regret. Father said that. That Christ was not crucified: he was worn away by a minute clicking of little wheels. That had no sister.
William FaulknerYou like orchids?... Nasty things. Their flesh is too much like the flesh of men, their perfume has the rotten sweetness of corruption.
William FaulknerHow do our lives ravel out into the no-wind, no-sound, the weary gestures wearily recapitulant: echoes of old compulsions with no-hand on no-string: in sunset we fall into furious attitudes, dead gestures of dolls.
William FaulknerThere is something about jumping a horse over a fence, something that makes you feel good. Perhaps it's the risk, the gamble. In any event it's a thing I need.
William FaulknerYou get born and you try this and you don't know why, only you keep on trying it and you are born at the same time with a lot of other people, all mixed up with them, like trying to, having to, move your arms and legs with strings, only the same strings are hitched to all the other arms and legs and the others all trying and they don't know why either except that the strings are all in one another's way.
William FaulknerSo vast, so limitless in capacity is man's imagination to disperse and burn away the rubble-dross of fact and probability, leaving only truth and dream.
William FaulknerI'd have wasted a lot of time and trouble before I learned that the best way to take all people, black or white, is to take them for what they think they are, then leave them alone.
William FaulknerThe artists who want to be writers, read the reviews; the artists who want to write, don't.
William FaulknerMan performs and engenders so much more than he can or should have to bear. That's how he finds that he can bear anything.
William FaulknerThe next time you try to seduce anyone, don't do it with talk, with words. Women know more about words than men ever will. And they know how little they can ever possibly mean.
William FaulknerMenfolks listens to somebody because of what he says. Women don't. They don't care what he said. They listens because of what he is.
William FaulknerWe could live like counts. ... If all that money is out there, I might as well hack a little on the side and put the novel off.
William FaulknerGet it down. Take chances. It may be bad, but that's the only way you can do anything really good.
William FaulknerI suppose that people, using themselves and each other so much by words, are at least consistent in attributing wisdom to a still tongue.
William FaulknerWell, between Scotch and nothin', I suppose I'd take Scotch. It's the nearest thing to good moonshine I can find.
William FaulknerMaybe times are never strange to women: it is just one continuous monotonous thing full of the repeated follies of their menfolks.
William FaulknerI took out my watch and listened to it clicking away, not knowing it couldn't even lie
William FaulknerA gentleman accepts the responsibility of his actions and bears the burden of their consequences.
William FaulknerA writer needs three things, experience, observation, and imagination, any two of which, at times any one of which, can supply the lack of the others.
William Faulkner...and you don't even have to sleep alone, you don't even have to sleep at all; and so, all you have to do is show the stick to the dog now and then and say, 'Thank God for nothing.'
William FaulknerEveryone in the South has no time for reading because they are all too busy writing.
William Faulkner