Knowing how things work is the basis for appreciation, and is thus a source of civilized delight.
William SafireThis is what it's all about. From what I could see, you could get a bunch of people together, whip up the press and have some impact.
William SafireThe trick is to start early in our careers the stress-relieving avocation that we will need later as a mind-exercising final vocation. We can quit a job, but we quit fresh involvement at our mental peril.
William SafireOn the analogy of 'Dictionary Johnson,' we call Fred R. Shapiro, editor of the just-published Yale Book of Quotations (well worth the $50 price), 'Quotationeer Shapiro.' Shapiro does original research, earning his 1,067-page volume a place on the quotation shelf next to Bartlett's and Oxford's.
William Safire