We sit in calm, airy, silent rooms opening upon sunlit and embowered lawns, not a sound except of summer and of husbandry disturbs the peace; but seven million men, any ten thousand of whom could have annihilated the ancient armies, are in ceaseless battle from the Alps to the Ocean.
Winston ChurchillGolf. Trying to knock a tiny ball into an even smaller hole with implements ill suited to the purpose.
Winston ChurchillI have found in my experience of war, that plans are useless, but planning is invaluable.
Winston ChurchillThe man who stands firm in order to protect a sand-castle can never be relied upon; for he has given away his common sense.
Winston ChurchillCanada is the linchpin of the English-speaking world. Canada, with those relations of friendly, affectionate intimacy with the United States on the one hand and with her unswerving fidelity to the British Commonwealth and the Motherland on the other, is the link which joins together these great branches of the human family, a link which, spanning the oceans, brings the continents into their true relation and will prevent in future generations any growth of division between the proud and the happy nations of Europe and the great countries which have come into existence in the New World.
Winston Churchill