I never know who's influencing me at any time. I mean, I can take a play by Brecht and adapt it, I'm consciously adapting that play, or, as I've done with the Greek classics, Euripides and Oedipus, and I'm consciously adapting that play. Whether it influences me or not, I think it's the critics, the analysts who have to decide that. Me, I don't feel that I'm under the influence of any such sources.
Wole SoyinkaWe live in a materialist world, and materialism appeals so strongly to humanity, no matter where.
Wole SoyinkaWriters who open up horizons for other people are performing a function every bit as important as a consciously politicized writer.
Wole SoyinkaPity you can't be present during my periodic fault-finding sessions with my image in the mirror!
Wole Soyinka