In his mercy, He sent the storm itself to make us seek help. And then knowing that we're likely to get the wrong answer, He gives us a multiple choice exam with only one option to choose from: the correct answer. The hardship itself is ease. By taking away all other hand-holds, all other multiple choice options, He has made the test simple.It's never easy to stand when the storm hits. And that's exactly the point. By sending the wind, He brings us to our knees: the perfect position to pray
Yasmin MogahedI am always shocked to discover how many people believe that hardships are a punishment from God! When people face tests or see others facing tests, they assume Allah must be angry with them. SubhannAllah! Remember which people were tested the most: The Prophets! And they were the closest to Allah. Every hardship is good for you-if it brings you closer to Him!
Yasmin MogahedSpeak your heart. If they don't understand, the message was never meant for them anyway.
Yasmin MogahedDon't think being 'religious' means becoming harsh or hard. When Allah enters a heart, He softens it--He doesn't harden it.
Yasmin Mogahed