Nobody's life is a bed of roses. We all have crosses to bear, and we all just do our best. I would never claim to have the worst situation. There are many widows, and many people dying of AIDS, many people killed in Lebanon, people starving all over the planet. So we have to count our lucky stars.
Yoko OnoMarriage is a difficult project. When seven years have passed and all your body's cells have been replaced, you're meant to experience that seven-year itch.
Yoko OnoI think energy is the most important thing that we can give to people as performers. Anything else is a little bit pretentious. But energy is not.
Yoko OnoI did not break up the Beatles. You can't have it both ways. If you're going to blame me for breaking the Beatles up, you should be thankful that I made them into myth rather than a crumbling group.
Yoko Ono