Others have been made fools of by the girls; but, this can never be with truth said of me. I most emphatically, in this instance,made a fool of myself.
Abraham LincolnI expect to maintain this contest until successful, or till I die, or am conquered, or my term expires, or Congress or the country forsakes me.
Abraham LincolnWe have all heard of Young America. He is the most current youth of the age. Some think him conceited, and arrogant; but has he not reason to entertain a rather extensive opinion of himself? Is he not the inventor and owner of the present, and sole hope of the future?
Abraham LincolnStand with anybody that stands right, stand with him while he is right and part with him when he goes wrong.
Abraham LincolnI am now the most miserable man living. If what I feel equally distributed to the whole human family, there would not be one cheerful face on the earth. Whether I shall ever be better, I cannot tell; I awfully forebode I shall not. To remain as I am is impossible. I must die or be better, it appears to me.
Abraham Lincoln