We are not just these three-dimensional bodies walking around. Our unconscious communicates and other people pick it up and they come to our rescue, or a spirit comes to our rescue.
Agapi StassinopoulosWe all have something that centers us in our lives. That linchpin is something that when we don't do enough of it, we start to feel off center.
Agapi StassinopoulosSome people are introverts and if they don't have enough time for themselves, they don't feel right. And extroverts don't feel right with too much alone time. There are those who need walks in nature or they feel depressed. Your linchpin is the pin that makes the wheel go. If you lose it, the wheel falls apart.
Agapi StassinopoulosMy greatest life lesson has been to not wait for the opportunities to come to me. I realize how important it is to be proactive and to create the opportunities myself.
Agapi Stassinopoulos