I became an instant fan of the show [Underground] seconds into the opening frames of the pilot. When that drone shot carried us through the main house with Rosalie, played so unflinchingly-brilliantly by Jurnee Smollett Bell, I signed on for the ride.
Aisha HindsI did my homework, of course, by inhaling as much literature as was available to find, so that when it was time to shoot I could hopefully exhale [ Harriet Tubman ].
Aisha HindsI felt validated and valued , and here was this woman [Whoopi Goldberg ] inside my television screen who gave me a voice.
Aisha HindsAn opportunity to honor the legacy of the lives drawn into the lines in my face, the broad of my nose, the dark of my eyes, the fullness of my lips, and coal in my complexion.
Aisha HindsUnderstanding that what it is that you're doing isn't limited to the roles and the rejection, it's bigger than that, it's about your purpose in life.
Aisha HindsOne of the first memories I have was watching Whoopi Goldberg perform her one-woman show on Broadway on HBO. She moved seamlessly through an array of spirited and soul-stirring characters, each one holding a mirror up to me and allowing me in many ways to see a reflection of myself on screen.
Aisha Hinds