Ability to see the cultural value of wilderness boils down, in the last analysis, to a question of intellectual humility. The shallow-minded modern who has lost his rootage in the land assumes that he has already discovered what is important.
Aldo LeopoldThe life of every river sings its own song, but in most the song is long marred by the discords of misuse.
Aldo LeopoldIt is part of wisdom never to revisit a wilderness, for the more golden the lily, the more certain that someone has gilded it
Aldo LeopoldConservationists have, I fear, adopted the pedagogical method of the prophets: we mutter darkly about impending doom if people don't mend their ways. The doom is impending, all right; no one can be an ecologist, even an amateur one, without seeing it. But do people mend their ways for fear of calamity? I doubt it. They are more likely to do it out of pure curiosity and interest.
Aldo Leopold