Producing is the antidote to acting. Producing is practical problem solving all day long. As opposed to endless self-obsession and navel gazing.
Alessandro NivolaThe thing with being able to do accents is that it's still completely separate from being an actor.
Alessandro NivolaYeah, I’ve played a lot of instruments, and I played in a lot of bands growing up and I’ve even had to play music in a lot of films that I’ve done.
Alessandro NivolaYou're making these movies for pennies, there's absolutely nothing to offer anybody, and they will still fight you! "There's no more back-end for him? Well he'll have your back-end! He'll take your first born child!" Producing is totally exhausting.
Alessandro NivolaThe research period of a film is the most exciting part of the process, and filming is sometimes a letdown because when you're dealing with biopic material, the real thing is always much more intricate than the story told in the film.
Alessandro NivolaBarry Levinson is such a deceptive director, because he seems really lackadaisical. I'd never worked with him before, and I almost got the impression that he didn't really care that much because he was so laid-back. Sometimes we'd finish filming hours before the day was over, which is just unthinkable in any other film experience I've had. I couldn't believe that Barry had the passion for it.
Alessandro Nivola