I think Maje typifies that French vibe where it's simple items that are very practical, very wearable but also like incredibly chic and expensive-looking.
Alexa ChungIf I'm doing my hair myself, I just wash it and let it naturally dry. I'm actually quite good at doing hair; if I wear it up I usually do it myself.
Alexa ChungI think it's cool that London Fashion Week is about young designers trying wacky things.
Alexa ChungI would say probably Paris [Hilton]. Because to me that's her in character and she kind was always sort of winking at the camera. There was satire I think involved in what she was doing. I like to think there was.
Alexa ChungI just think that whole culture of hatred, and also feeling like it's your right to judge people when you don't know them, is really f***ed up. So I'm pleased I experienced that side of it, so I can learn to be a better person on the other side of it. I'm sure in the past I've been judgmental too ... Self esteem, that's something you've got to work on yourself. I know for me it's different day to day.
Alexa Chung