The ears, which master the face of a dunce, are that part of the head which most publishes stupidity.
Alexander TherouxThere is a terrible blindness in the love that wants only to accommodate. It's not only to do with omissions and half-truths. It implants a lack of being in the speaker and robs the self of an identity without which it is impossible for one to grow close to another.
Alexander TherouxFaculty Meetings are held whenever the need to show off is combined with the imperative of accomplishing nothing.
Alexander TherouxTo value the tradition of, and the discipline required for, the craft of fiction seems today pointless. The real Arcadia is a lonely, mountainous plateau, overbouldered and strewn with the skulls of sheep slain for vellum and old bitten pinions that tried to be quills. It's forty rough miles by mule from Athens, a city where there's a fair, a movie house, cotton candy.
Alexander Theroux