In business everyone is out to grab, to fight, to win. Either you are the under or the over dog. It is up to you to be on top.
Alice Foote MacDougallWork becomes at once a delight and a tyrant. For even when the time comes and you can relax, you hardly know how.
Alice Foote MacDougallLife means opportunity, and the thing men call death is the last wonderful, beautiful adventure.
Alice Foote MacDougallI am always glad to think that my education was, for the most part, informal, and had not the slightest reference to a future business career. It left me free and untrammeled to approach my business problems without the limiting influence of specific training.
Alice Foote MacDougallPerhaps nothing in all my business has helped me more than faith in my fellow man. From the very first I felt confident that I could trust the great, friendly public. So I told it quite simply what I thought, what I felt, what I was trying to do. And the response was quick, sure, and immediate.
Alice Foote MacDougall