Bob Corker was not the inside man that, certainly, Senator [Jeff] Sessions was. And he doesn`t telegraph what`s going on. He`s been much more discreet about that.
Andrea MitchellThey put me on the shift where they thought I could do the least harm, midnight to eight in the morning. Although the hours were lousy, they were perfect for an apprentice reporter.
Andrea Mitchell... I still have sympathy for some of the people who've fallen from grace in Washington. The feeding frenzy can be so unforgiving, especially in this day of nonstop cable news.
Andrea MitchellIf Rudy Giuliani`s offense was that "Wallstreet Journal" did a round table where he openly campaigned for it, and said he didn`t want to be attorney general and that he was better qualified for it, then certainly Senator [Bob] Corker would seem to be, you know, among the best choices.
Andrea Mitchell