I've seen a big gain in cardio since I went vegetarian and even gained a little more going vegan.
Andy LallyIt was not until months after going vegetarian that I started really learning about all of the health benefits.
Andy LallyGoing vegan was a little tougher for me. The final push came from watching Gary Yourofsky's lecture at Georgia Tech in person. The video is now on YouTube. I constantly show it to people interested in learning about why I choose to live the way I do.
Andy LallyGood cardio helps in any athletic practice, but in jujitsu, it has been very helpful late in a sparring session where a long roll starts to take its toll on your cardio.
Andy LallyI like to encourage people to give locally. It's easy to find and call a local no-kill shelter and see what specific things they need, and believe me, all of them are always in need of something.
Andy LallyAs a kid, I loved my Matchbox cars, my Big Wheels, and the race cars on TV. When I laid eyes on my first go-kart when I was just five, it gave my desire for making things with wheels go fast a focus. This combined with the fact that I've been incredibly competitive since a young age made for the proper mix of passion and aggression to become a race car driver.
Andy Lally