No More Excuses: 6 Things You Shouldn't Apologize For
We often guide our actions by what people might think or say

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All of us, some more, some less, guide our actions by what people would think or say. Yes, we live among people, we are part of society, and it is imperative that we tailor our behavior so that it does not disturb others. But there are also some cases where, as if caught up in pleasing everyone, we forget about or ignore our own needs.
The truth, as always, is in the balance. And to help you in your search for balance, today we offer you six things you should never make excuses or apologies for.
Your personal choices and decisions
How often do you have to explain or even justify why you did/didn't start a diet, why you did/didn't break up with your partner, why you did/didn't have kids, why you prefer to walk to work, why you did/didn't quit your job, why you spend time with this or that friend. As long as you don't bother others with your choices, you don't owe anyone an explanation for them. Stand up for your decisions and don't let others influence you to make them. In the end, it's you, not them, who will live with your choices.
For your appearance
You don't have to apologize to anyone for the way you choose to look. Your hair color and style, your weight, your choice to make or not make improvements to yourself, the way you dress... again, all of this is your personal choice. You don't have to subordinate your appearance to your lover's wishes, your mother's advice or fashion trends. Look the way you feel good. And don't apologize for it.
Your willingness/unwillingness to do something
Have you ever been so reluctant to go out that you wonder what you can come up with to justify not being somewhere? And has it ever occurred to you that you could just tell the truth instead? You'd be surprised how much easier it is. You don't have to apologize or make excuses because you don't feel like going out, because you want to attend a sport, for example, or because today just isn't a day you'd like to clean. The examples are countless, but you get the idea. You have the right to agree to things you like. And you have the same right to refuse to participate in things you just don't want to. And you don't even have to apologize for it.
Your principles
Life principles are among the greatest qualities a person can possess. You understand why apologizing for them would be simply absurd. Never make excuses for telling the truth, for refusing work that goes against your principles of right and wrong, for always being on time, for being loyal to a person or a cause. Your principles are what build you as a character. And to apologize for them would mean you are apologizing for the person you are.
Your priorities
We all have priorities - it's inherent in thinking and rational people. That's why you don't have to apologize for your priorities. It's enough just to acknowledge to yourself and others that you have them. Don't look for an excuse for one person being more important to you than another, for wanting time to yourself, for prioritizing exercise than going out, for example (or vice versa), or for preferring to spend time with your kids today instead of your friends (or vice versa).
Other people's actions
This issue is black and white. Never apologize for someone else's actions unless it's a small child. Every adult and reasonable person is responsible for their actions. And no matter the circumstances, that responsibility is always personal. Forget excuses like: my daughter is always late, my husband is just a little distracted, she didn't mean to say that, he messed up, I know him... It's enough to be responsible for your own actions, you don't have to apologize for someone else's.
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