In any service where a couple hold down jobs as a team, the male generally takes his ease while the wife labors at his job as wellas her own.
Anita LoosTallulah [Bankhead] was the foremost naughty girl of her era but, in those days, "naughty" meant piquant, whereas values have so changed that now, in the 1970s, it generally means nauseating.
Anita LoosI don't think the written word is important in movies anymore and the really great movies are done by great directors who in many cases write their own scripts. I think it's gotten to be more of a visual thing than an audible thing.
Anita LoosAny girl who was a lady would not even think of having such a good time that she did not remember to hang on to her jewelry.
Anita LoosOne might feel that, at my age, I should look on life with more gravity. After all, I've been privileged to listen, firsthand, tosome of the most profound thinkers of my daywho were all beset by gloom over the condition the world had gotten into. Then why can't I view it with anything but amusement?
Anita Loos