The cultural transformation from the love of power to the power of love is the drama of our time.
Anodea JudithAs civilization grows more complex, it is simultaneously becoming increasingly interrelated. We are converging upon ourselves, and this is forcing us to relate.
Anodea JudithPeace is not merely the absence of warfare, any more than true health is simply the absence of disease. Nor is peace simply a quiet state of equilibrium-impossible to achieve in an evolving system. Though refraining from harm is an essential first step, lasting peace is created by actively redressing harm done. Peace is a creative process of actively joining I and thou into a co-creative we. It requires authentic communication, empathic listening, and wildly creative solutions.
Anodea JudithIt’s not only for unanswered questions that we seek knowledge but also for the examination of unquestioned answers.
Anodea Judith