Some split between the inner world and outer world is common to all behaviour, and the need to bridge the gap is the source of creative behaviour.
Anthony StorrI want to show that the dividing lines between sanity and mental illness have been drawn in the wrong place.
Anthony StorrIt is widely believed that interpersonal relationships of an intimate kind are the chief, if not the only, source of human happiness, yet the lives of creative individuals often seem to run counter to this assumption.
Anthony StorrWhether a belief is considered to be a delusion or not depends partly upon the intensity with which it is defended, and partly upon the numbers of people subscribing to it.
Anthony StorrThe word "jealousy" is often used as if it were synonymous with envy; but I think the distinction worth preserving. Jealousy is predominantly concerned with the fear of loss of something one possesses, envy with the wish to own something another possesses. Othello suffers from the fear that he has lost Desdemona's love. Iago suffers from envy of the position held by Cassio, to which he feels entitled.
Anthony Storr