Man has been endowed with reason, with the power to create, so that he can add to what he's been given.
Anton ChekhovIf you wish women to love you be original; I know a man who used to wear felt boots summer and winter & women fell in love with him.
Anton ChekhovA tree is beautiful, but what's more, it has a right to life; like water, the sun and the stars, it is essential. Life on earth is inconceivable without trees. Forests create climate, climate influences peoples' character, and so on and so forth. There can be neither civilization nor happiness if forests crash down under the axe, if the climate is harsh and severe, if people are also harsh and severe. ... What a terrible future!
Anton ChekhovI think human beings must have faith or must look for faith, otherwise our life is empty, empty. To live and not to know why the cranes fly, why children are born, why there are stars in the sky. You must know why you are alive, or else everything is nonsense, just blowing in the wind.
Anton Chekhov