One of my big milestones came when I turned forty and promised myself to stop worrying about all the things I thought I might do but never really would. I was very relieved when I realized that you can actually complete a project by dropping it. That's how I "completed" learning to cook and learning German, becoming a good skier, and a list of other things too long to recite!
Arianna HuffingtonBeing fearless doesn't mean living a life devoid of fear, but living a life in which our fears don't hold us back
Arianna HuffingtonHollywood has gone from the capital of conspicuous consumption to the cutting edge of conspicuous conservation.
Arianna HuffingtonSelf expression is the new entertainment, We never used to question why people sit on the couch for seven hours a day watching bad TV. Nobody ever asked, Why are they doing that for free? We need to celebrate [this desire to contribute for free] rather than question it.
Arianna HuffingtonHow could someone with a renowned ability to inspire, communicate complex ideas, and connect with voters find himself in this position? The President [Barack Obama], though a dedicated student of history, has seemingly failed to learn the lesson of our nation's most significant political confrontations: They've required single-minded determination, and the willingness to battle until the fight was won.
Arianna Huffington