In theory we are all equal before the law. In practice, there are overwhelming privileges that come with winning the birth lottery.
Arianna HuffingtonIt's time for our business and political leaders to help redefine morality beyond sex, drugs, and rock and roll to include lying, hypocrisy, and callous indifference to those in need.
Arianna HuffingtonThere is nothing that can bring you closer to fearlessness about everything else in the world than being a parent - because everyday fears like not being approved of pale by comparison to the fears you have about your children.
Arianna HuffingtonWhy do we spend so much of our limited time on this earth focusing on all the things that our eulogies will never cover?
Arianna HuffingtonWhat Women's Lib might achieve if their 'consciousness raising' - or in plain English, brainwashing- campaign succeeds is a society whose members have identical roles but are perpetually at war with themselves; a society of males made neurotic by suppressed masculinity, of females made miserable by having masculine roles thrust upon them that contradict their feminine impulses.
Arianna Huffington