Has Bill Clinton inspired idealism in the young, as he himself was inspired by John F. Kennedy? Or has he actually reduced their idealism? Surely part of the answer lies in Clinton's personal moral lapse with Monica Lewinsky. But more important was his sin of omission - his failure to embrace a moral cause beyond popularity.
Arlie Russell HochschildMany of the young aspire to happy marriages and dot-com fortunes but end up in guarded love and okay-for-now jobs.
Arlie Russell HochschildMany working families are both prisoners and architects of the time bind in which they find themselves.
Arlie Russell HochschildMost women without children spend much more time than men on housework; with children, they devote more time to both housework andchild care. Just as there is a wage gap between men and women in the workplace, there is a "leisure gap" between them at home. Most women work one shift at the office or factory and a "second shift" at home.
Arlie Russell Hochschild