I suppose the most radical part of my teaching at present is that love is not a feeling. Everybody suffers from love, or the fear of it, or the lack of it. Why? Why is love so universally and inevitably heart-breaking, whether it be through the end of a love affair, the death of a loved one or being locked in with the habitual casualness or grim indifference of a partner? The answer is because we've been taught and conditioned by the world to believe that love is a feeling.
Barry LongWe can rarely see things from the point of view of another person because we look at the facts through the screen of an impression or an interest which distorts our view; and then there are accusations, quarrels and misunderstandin.
Barry LongYou think, you become that thought. And consciousness, or the state of pure awareness, is lost.
Barry LongWhen the robot mind is mastered, undisciplined thinking ceases and is replaced by awareness. Awareness can know love.
Barry Long