On the dashboard of our family car is a shallow indentation about the size of a paperback book. If you are looking for somewhere to put your sunglasses or spare change, it is the obvious place, and it works extremely well, I must say, so long as the car is not actually moving. However, as soon as you put the car in motion ... everything slides off ... It can hold nothing that has not been nailed to it. So I ask you: what then is it for?
Bill BrysonScience has been quite embattled. It's the most important thing there is. An arts graduate is not going to fix global warming. They may do other valuable things, but they are not going to fix the planet or cure cancer or get rid of malaria.
Bill BrysonPhysics is really nothing more than a search for ultimate simplicity, but so far all we have is a kind of elegant messiness.
Bill BrysonYou may find that your parents are the most delightful people, but you don't want to live with them.
Bill Bryson