I think that Jerry Bruckheimer just kind of has his finger on the pulse of what America wants.
Boti BlissThere are some wonderful parts in the movie [Loulou] where Loulou used to be a dancer and a cabaret. To see her kind of be able to interact with another human being so isolated for so long, it's just neat to see that being played out and how fun and explore that.
Boti BlissI auditioned for Ted Bundy and the director Matthew Bright and we really hit it off. He cast me as Bundy's girlfriend.
Boti BlissThere is a group of us that met through Howard Klein's class in Los Angeles. Howard Klein is a prominent acting teacher. We got together and did this short Night Music that was such an amazing experience, Guy and I were thinking, 'Okay, what do we do next?' So he wrote this next movie of his, Loulou.
Boti Bliss