Don't follow in my footsteps. Create your own legacy! Be you! Do what you do! Stay focused! Stay positive about whatever goals you want to accomplish! Don't ever let anybody tell you that you can't, because you always can. To this day, I have people trying to discourage me, and telling me I should hang it up. I call them clowns.
Bow WowI can take all the negative energy and turn it into a positive simply by purging my soul through music. That's how powerful music can be.
Bow WowI feel like I just want to enjoy life and spend time with my daughter who is about to turn two, which is full-time job and the hardest job I've ever had in my life.
Bow WowEverything I do, I do it because it's me. At the end of the day, I only know how to be me. Everything is gonna be authentic, so I think, when it comes down to sayin' certain stuff in lyrics, or whatever the case may be, it's just me bein' me and me bein' honest.
Bow WowDealing with the fame and going from nothing and becoming something where everyone wants a piece of you, your life changes in a day.
Bow WowTrust me, pitfalls of early fame are always around. But you have to have the strength within yourself to say, "No!" Like tonight, I'd like to go out, and I have the freedom to do so. But I probably won't because I can't risk having my name associated with anything negative at this critical time. That's just to protect my brain and my job. There's no reason to play any games with a career I love.
Bow Wow