There’s nothing more daring than showing up, putting ourselves out there and letting ourselves be seen.
Brené BrownIf we want to be able to move through the difficult disappointments, the hurt feelings, and the heartbreaks that are inevitable in a fully lived life, we can't equate defeat with being unworthy of love, belonging and joy. If we do, we'll never show up and try again.
Brené BrownEmbracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy.
Brené BrownI spent a lot of years trying to outrun or outsmart vulnerability by making things certain and definite, black and white, good and bad. My inability to lean into the discomfort of vulnerability limited the fullness of those important experiences that are wrought with uncertainty: love, belonging, trust, joy, and creativity, to name a few.
Brené Brown