You may change your destination, you may have a hundred stops along the way, there's a hundred different possibilities, but usually when you get in your car you are thinking, "I am going to go somewhere."
Bryan BurkIt was really important to try to reach a whole new audience so we had a lot of people in who not only had not seen the last film but were not Star Trek fans, or thought of themselves as not being Star Trek fans, or they had seen bits and pieces of Star Trek in the past and it was just not for them.
Bryan BurkYou know, things come up and we have those conversations. I feel that they're all in a kind of similar state, which is that we all keep working on them, in house, until we feel like it's ready and then it goes from being something that were working on to ready very quickly.
Bryan BurkIs it inevitable after a successful film that they're going to ask for another one? Yes. Do we want to rush and do it for that reason? No.
Bryan BurkThen we started looking at story and what was making sense and what wasn't making sense, emotionally and thematically the intention that we had a year earlier when they were working on the script, did all that come across? It's all kind of generic things, but it's fascinating and it's weird - I haven't made that many films, but it's weird that every time you think you learn from your mistakes on your last film you have a slew of new mistakes and things that you learn.
Bryan Burk