Just as the seasons change and the honey bees pollinate the planet and make honey, we are also doing exactly what we are supposed to be doing. We also are apart of nature, certainly not separate from nature.
Bryan KestExactly like everything around us, we are made of the same elements of this earth and are totally dependent on this earth for our sustenance.
Bryan KestIf it feels right to recycle our waste or purchase solar panels for our house or rescue an animal or adopt a child or stop someone from hurting another or donate our time, money, or goods to charity, then do it.
Bryan KestWhen we start understanding that all challenges are really opportunities to learn and grow and become all that we are becoming, which is all being guided by nature and her desire to maintain perfect balance, then what could be wrong? If there is nothing wrong, then the burden of humanity has been lifted from my shoulder and I'm free to be me - to play, to cry, to laugh, to work, to explore, to serve, to unfold and grow.
Bryan Kest