Sometimes I think to myself, "I wonder if Meryl Streep is ever like, 'Oh gosh, everyone thinks I'm so perfect! I wish that someone would give me a note.'"
Bryce Dallas HowardOn the spectrum of imagination, there are people who are more imaginative than others - I guess some kids are hardcore pretenders and have imaginary friends for years and other kids play and they have fun, but it's not quite as specific like that.
Bryce Dallas HowardWhen people just become numbers, and we stop relating to each other as human beings. And we don't have the agency to make choices that can positively affect another human being. I was watching something yesterday where Justin Timberlake took a picture of himself voting, and he might get thirty days in jail because it's a new law or something.
Bryce Dallas HowardWith The Help, I knew folks involved in the project peripherally. I wanted to audition for Hilly Holbrook and part of the initial feedback was: "No, Bryce is too nice." That's part of the reason why I really love auditions as well - you get to try out a character and try out different versions of a character.
Bryce Dallas HowardJoe [Wright] reached out to me and sent me a treatment, and I said yes on the spot just from the treatment. Within six weeks, I was in Cape Town and there was a script [of Black Mirror episode 'Nosedive'], but I didn't realize until I received the full script that Rashida [Jones] and Michael [Schur] had worked on it. It's a particularly funny episode. Joe and I always looked at it as a satire; it has a lot of comedic elements to it.
Bryce Dallas HowardI definitely hope that I'm improving. If I'm not, there's a problem - I'm just coasting.
Bryce Dallas HowardI was in South Africa, and Joe [Wright] asked the same exact question that you just asked: "Have you ever seen an episode of Black Mirror?" I went back and played the video for Joe. The episode that I did is called "Nosedive," and it was a year to the week from when I first watched it. It was just very bizarre, this very weird coincidence.
Bryce Dallas HowardWhere I'm like,"no, I won't have that piece of bread, I'll have the veg." There's a different approach mentally that you have when you're in a safe space. Our body awareness in the West is ridiculous.
Bryce Dallas HowardThe clearer that division [of social media] is between it not being a reflection of reality, and being a complete make-believe world, the more we're helping ourselves.
Bryce Dallas HowardI have nothing nice to say about Chris Pratt, of course. He's probably the greatest hero of our time in real life, honestly.
Bryce Dallas HowardI didn't always want to act. My passion was writing, and it still is one of my primary passions to this day, but it wasn't until high school when I started acting in plays that it became a thought of something I might want to do. And when I applied to colleges, at NYU, I was able to study both writing and acting.
Bryce Dallas HowardI saw an episode - the second episode [of Black Mirror], "Fifteen Million Merits" - and I completely flipped out: "This is what my nightmares are made of. This is the most terrifying thing I've ever seen."
Bryce Dallas HowardWhen folks get to the best of their profession, people are like, "Who am I to give a critique to this individual who's reached mastery?".
Bryce Dallas HowardI come from a little bit of a theatrical background. I started that way. I don't have a tremendous body of work or anything, but I went to drama school. And so, to get to do a piece where the characters get to talk a lot, and that isn't just about the spectacle or the set piece, or is simply visual or movement based. It was really wonderful for me, and juicy and exciting.
Bryce Dallas Howard