Sometimes people need a kick in the pants to get them to do what they would be doing if government weren't there as a perpetual parent.
Cal ThomasDon't liberal Democrats ever learn economic principles, or does their class warfare trump all else?
Cal ThomasPeople who relieve others of their money with guns are called robbers. It does not alter the immorality of the act when the income transfer is carried out by government.
Cal ThomasAll we are asking for is balance. I would like to think that I could walk into a public library and find not only works by Gloria Steinem but also those of Phyllis Schlafly. I would like to think a teenager could be taught in sex education that a serious alternative to abortion is teenage abstinence, or should pregnancy occur, that adoption might be preferable. I am not trying, as the ad says, to shove religion down anyone's throat. But I do think everyone has a right, and that the Christian voice is being chocked off.
Cal Thomas