I encourage my students to be honest in their assessment of both the published work we read and the work of their classmates. I think there's always the occasion for discussing elements of craft, whether the student's poem is terrible or quite wonderful.
Cate MarvinI place a lot of emphasis on process and revision because I believe that all of my students can become better writers through hard work.
Cate MarvinI like it when poems are challenging, when they concern matters important and personal to the author.
Cate MarvinWhen asked what I'd be if I weren't a writer, I'm tempted to respond with one of father's favorite phrases, one I despised while growing up: "I hate 'what-ifs.'"
Cate MarvinI consider poetry my vocation, not my "career." My career is as a university professor; that's what pays the bills.
Cate MarvinThe fiction writer has a lot of balls to juggle. Setting, pacing, dialogue, and so on. And let's not forget: plot. That was always a hard one for me. And I always had this spastic tendency to wrap up a story before I'd seen it the whole way through, a sort of writer's pre-ejaculatory tendency: "The End!"
Cate Marvin