God will excuse our prayers for ourselves whenever we are prevented from them by being occupied in such good works as to entitle us to the prayers of others.
Charles Caleb ColtonIt was observed of Elizabeth that she was weak herself, but chose wise counsellors; to which it was replied, that to choose wise counsellors was, in a prince, the highest wisdom.
Charles Caleb ColtonFaith and works are necessary to our spiritual life as Christians, as soul and body are to our natural life as men; for faith is the soul of religion, and works the body.
Charles Caleb ColtonI have found by experience that they who have spent all their lives in cities, improve their talents but impair their virtues; and strengthen their minds but weaken their morals.
Charles Caleb ColtonThere are two principles of established acceptance in morals; first, that self-interest is the mainspring of all of our actions, and secondly, that utility is the test of their value.
Charles Caleb ColtonThat an author's work is the mirror of his mind is a position that has led to very false conclusions. If Satan himself were to write a book it would be in praise of virtue, because the good would purchase it for use, and the bad for ostentation.
Charles Caleb ColtonMan, if he compare himself with all that he can see, is at the zenith of power; but if he compare himself with all that he can conceive, he is at the nadir of weakness.
Charles Caleb ColtonIgnorance is a blank sheet, on which we may write; but error is a scribbled one, on which we must first erase.
Charles Caleb ColtonPersecuting bigots may be compared to those burning lenses which Lenhenboeck and others composed from ice; by their chilling apathy they freeze the suppliant; by their fiery zeal they burn the sufferer.
Charles Caleb ColtonIt is sufficiently humiliating to our nature to reflect that our knowledge is but as she rivulet, our ignorance as the sea. On points of the highest interest, the moment we quit the light of revelation we shall find that Platonism itself is intimately connected with Pyrrhonism, and the deepest inquiry with the darkest doubt.
Charles Caleb ColtonHe that dies a martyr proves that he was not a knave, but by no means that he was not a fool.
Charles Caleb ColtonLord Bacon has compared those who move in higher spheres to those heavenly bodies in the firmament, which have much admiration, but little rest. And it is not necessary to invest a wise man with power to convince him that it is a garment bedizened with gold, which dazzles the beholder by its splendor, but oppresses the wearer by its weight.
Charles Caleb ColtonHonor is the most capricious in her rewards. She feeds us with air, and often pulls down our house, to build our monument.
Charles Caleb ColtonCriticism is like champagne, nothing more execrable if bad, nothing more excellent if good.
Charles Caleb ColtonThere are three modes of bearing the ills of life; by indifference, which is the most common; by philosophy, which is the most ostentatious; and by religion, which is the most effectual.
Charles Caleb ColtonTomorrow! It is a period nowhere to be found in all the registers of time, unless, perchance, in the fool's calendar.
Charles Caleb ColtonOf present fame think little, and of future less; the praises that we receive after we are buried, like the flowers that are strewed over our grave, may be gratifying to the living, but they are nothing to the dead.
Charles Caleb ColtonShort as life is, some find it long enough to outlive their characters, their constitutions and their estates.
Charles Caleb ColtonThe soundest argument will produce no more conviction in an empty head than the most superficial declamation; as a feather and a guinea fall with equal velocity in a vacuum.
Charles Caleb ColtonLogic and metaphysics make use of more tools than all the rest of the sciences put together, and do the least work.
Charles Caleb ColtonFive thousand years have added no improvement to the hive of the bee, nor to the house of the beaver; but look at the habitations and the achievements of men!
Charles Caleb ColtonLife isn't like a book. Life isn't logical or sensible or orderly. Life is a mess most of the time. And theology must be lived in the midst of that mess.
Charles Caleb ColtonThat which we acquire with the most difficulty we retain the longest; as those who have earned a fortune are usually more careful of it than those who have inherited one.
Charles Caleb ColtonFalsehood is often rocked by truth, but she soon outgrows her cradle and discards her nurse.
Charles Caleb ColtonNo one knows where he who invented the plow was born, nor where he died; yet he has done more for humanity than the whole race of heroes who have drenched the earth with blood and whose deeds have been handed down with a precision proportionate only to the mischief they wrought.
Charles Caleb ColtonA lady of fashion will sooner excuse a freedom flowing from admiration than a slight resulting from indifference.
Charles Caleb ColtonIt is good to act as if. It is even better to grow to the point where it is no longer an act.
Charles Caleb ColtonThere is more jealousy between rival wits than rival beauties, for vanity has no sex. But in both cases there must be pretensions, or there will be no jealousy.
Charles Caleb ColtonThe hate which we all bear with the most Christian patience is the hate of those who envy us.
Charles Caleb ColtonIf you cannot inspire a woman with love of you, fill her above the brim with love of herself; all that runs over will be yours.
Charles Caleb ColtonTime, the cradle of hope, but the grave of ambition, is the stern corrector of fools, but the salutary counselor of the wise, bringing all they dread to the one, and all they desire to the other.
Charles Caleb ColtonIn all places, and in all times, those religionists who have believed too much have been more inclined to violence and persecution than those who have believed too little.
Charles Caleb ColtonThe family is the most basic unit of government. As the first community to which a person is attached and the first authority under which a person learns to live, the family establishes society's most basic values.
Charles Caleb ColtonGenius, in one respect, is like gold; numbers of persons are constantly writing about both, who have neither.
Charles Caleb ColtonIf there be a pleasure on earth which angels cannot enjoy, and which they might almost envy man the possession of, it is the power of relieving distress--if there be a pain which devils might pity man for enduring, it is the death-bed reflection that we have possessed the power of doing good, but that we have abused and perverted it to purposes of ill.
Charles Caleb ColtonThat politeness which we put on, in order to keep the assuming and the presumptuous at a proper distance will generally succeed. But it sometimes happens that these obtrusive characters are on such excellent terms with themselves that they put down this very politeness to the score of their own great merits and high pretensions, meeting the coldness of our reserve with a ridiculous condescension of familiarity, in order to set us at ease with ourselves.
Charles Caleb ColtonWars are to the body politic, what drams are to the individual. There are times when they may prevent a sudden death, but if frequently resorted to, or long persisted in, they heighten the energies only to hasten the dissolution.
Charles Caleb ColtonThere are some who affect a want of affectation, and flatter themselves that they are above flattery; they are proud of being thought extremely humble, and would go round the world to punish those who thought them capable of revenge; they are so satisfied of the suavity of their own temper that they would quarrel with their dearest benefactor only for doubting it.
Charles Caleb ColtonMen of great and shining qualities do not always succeed in life, but the fault lies more often in themselves than in others.
Charles Caleb ColtonPhilosophy is a bully that talks loud when the danger is at a distant; but, the moment she is pressed hard by an enemy, she is nowhere to be found and leaves the brunt of the battle to be fought by her steady, humble comrade, religion.
Charles Caleb ColtonTo be a mere verbal critic is what no man of genius would be if he could; but to be a critic of true taste and feeling is what no man without genius could be if he would.
Charles Caleb Colton