The stool of repentance and the foot of the cross are the favorite positions of instructed Christians.
Charles SpurgeonThere should be a parallel between our supplications and our thanksgivings. We ought not to leap in prayer, and limp in praise.
Charles SpurgeonI am persuaded that men think there is no God because they wish there were none. They find it hard to believe in God, and to go on in sin, so they try to get an easy conscience by denying his existence.
Charles SpurgeonAh, sinner, may the Lord quicken thee! But it is a work that makes the Saviour weep. I think when He comes to call some of you from your death in sin, He comes weeping and sighing for you. There is a stone that is to be rolled away--your bad and evil habits--and when that stone is taken away, a still small voice will not do for you; it must be the loud crashing voice, like the voice of the Lord which breaketh the cedars of Lebanon.
Charles Spurgeon