And just think, fellow Southrons, what kind of a Confederate nation we could have, if after independence, politicians abandoned equivocation and spoke honestly and firmly on all issues? If they were to do their duty to God, nation, and people, there would be virtually no need for any form of federal litigation.
Charley ReeseThe new laws passed by Congress in the name of fighting terrorism pose a greater danger to the civil liberties of American citizens than to the operations of terrorists. Powers once assumed are never relinquished, just as bureaucracies, once created, never die.
Charley ReeseDisregarding the value of religion and believing in egalitarianism are two misconceptions that cause America much trouble today.
Charley ReesePoliticians are the only people in the world who create problems and then campaign against them.
Charley ReeseCongress seems to want to cure every ill known to man except unconstitutional government and high taxes.
Charley Reese