During the next years, we're going to see people absolutely waking up and remembering their origins and reconnecting to their family of origin, and this is going to change our whole view of Earth, that we are separate and alone.
Christine McCormick DayWhatever you have in your life right now, accept that creation and know that it is here only in this moment of time while we learn what we have to learn. It is inside of us and it needs to be felt and acknowledged.
Christine McCormick DayThe Pleiadians said that at a certain moment in the future, when we go through our transformation, the Earth plane will shift back to its original pristine self.
Christine McCormick DayThe outer drama in the world is going to escalate, and what they [the Pleiadians] are saying is to come back to your heart and don't participate in the drama. Witness it, but understand that this illusion on the Earth plane is accelerating because of where we are in our evolution.
Christine McCormick Day