I think the most important practice is to be authentic with our human selves.
Christine McCormick DayThe new blueprint is designed to accelerate that remembering, like we are awakening from a dream. That's its purpose. The initiations will anchor the new blueprint, and the integration of that, with full alignment to that frequency.
Christine McCormick DayIt also will come through natural forces, as a lot of intense storms also will be brewing. There's a lot for us to get caught up into if we choose, but they are warning us not to get caught up in it. It's simply a mirror of the times that we don't necessarily have to respond to and react to from within.
Christine McCormick DayThere really is not any difference between any of us, because we're only talking about the difference of one moment in time between remembering. We can't judge what's right for each individual, because each person will get what they are ready for within the moment that are presented during that timeline process.
Christine McCormick DayWe always go back to that base, and that base is so important. It's like an energetic womb where you can begin. Energy is there and it's always there, and from there we receive the initiations that bring in peace, and a feeling of things leaving the body and then we start to feel peace, hope and understanding, which many people don't have right now.
Christine McCormick Day