Some say that time is like water that flows around us (like a stone in the river) and some say we flow with time (like a twig floating on the surface of the water).
Chuck KlostermanThe most wretched people in the world are those who tell you they like every kind of music 'except country.' People who say that are boorish and pretentious at the same time.
Chuck KlostermanBooze is the greatest of all equalizers. Rich drunks and poor drunks both pass out the same way.
Chuck KlostermanGay marriage should be legalized in america because gay men are the only men who want to be married.
Chuck KlostermanI am interested in the possibility that we are going to be wrong in the same way that history has indicated that mankind always is. It seems as though the history of ideas is the history of being wrong. And to me, that is a kind of continuum. It's a continual path that shows we don't always know something, but we're always shifting to a path that makes us feel more comfortable in the moment, even if that shift is wrong, and a new shift is destined to happen again.
Chuck Klosterman