To preserve yourself as the center of the world, to stay your own best authority on everything, your own expert on all topics, infallible, omniscient. Always, every time of the month, forever: Use birth control.
Chuck PalahniukYou ever wonder if Adam and Eve were just the puppies God dumped because they wouldn't house-train?
Chuck PalahniukAnd the more she could imagine this island, the less she liked the real world. The more she could imagine the people, the less she liked any real people.
Chuck PalahniukWith my eyes closed, I ask if she knows how this will all turn out. "Long-term or short-term?" she asks. Both. "Long-term," she says, "we're all going to die. Then our bodies will rot. No surprise there. Short-term, we're going to live happily ever after." Really? "Really," she says. "So don't sweat it.
Chuck Palahniuk