Watching how customers actually use a product provides much more reliable information than can be gleaned from a verbal interview or a focus group.
Clayton ChristensenCapitalism has taught us that markets are always more efficient than hierarchical managerial coordination. But in a situation where those three conditions aren't met, I can't outsource or partner with you because markets don't function in the absence of sufficient information.
Clayton ChristensenChildren build self-esteem by doing things that are hard and learning what works.
Clayton ChristensenDisruptive technology is a theory. It says this will happen and this is why; it's a statement of cause and effect. In our teaching we have so exalted the virtues of data-driven decision making that in many ways we condemn managers only to be able to take action after the data is clear and the game is over. In many ways a good theory is more accurate than data. It allows you to see into the future more clearly.
Clayton Christensen