What works on the net works for people in general. The net has very little to do with technology, what matters is how people use the technology.
Craig NewmarkTreat people like you want to be treated; live and let live; and also give the other person a break now and then.
Craig NewmarkI rely on Taegan Goddard's Political Wire for straight, fair political news, he gets right to the point. It's an eagerly anticipated part of my news reading.
Craig NewmarkI feel that one of the best things a person can do for another is to create a job. So you do OK commercially, and then you try to make a difference of some sort.
Craig NewmarkMy understanding from talking to a lot of people in the business has been that it used to be that a newspaper was considered a community service. Now they're being run as profit centers, and they're trying to get pretty high profit margins. As a result, investigative reporting has been seen as a problem.
Craig Newmark