Murder, considered a crime when people commit it singly, is transformed into a virtue when they do it en masse.
CyprianPeter, in showing that the Church is one and that only those who are in the Church can be saved, said: "In the Ark of Noah certain persons, numbering only eight, were saved by water, which Baptism effects in like manner for you" (1 Peter 3:20). He proves and demonstrates that the solitary Ark of Noah was the figure of the One Church. If, at the time of this Baptism of the world anyone could have been saved without having been in the Ark of Noah, then he who is outside the Church could now be brought to life by Baptism.
CyprianNone of us offers resistance when he is seized, or avenges himself for your unjust violence, although our people are numerous and is not lawful for us to hate, and so we please God more when we render no requital for injury...we repay your hatred with kindness.
CyprianBefore all things, the Teacher of Peace and the Master of Unity would not have prayer made singly and individually, as for one who prays only for himself. For we do not say, "My Father, who art in heaven"... Our prayer is public and common; and when we pray, we pray not for one, but for the whole people, because we the whole people are one.