To be aware of a single shortcoming within oneself is more useful than to be aware of a thousand in somebody else. Rather than speaking badly about people and in ways that will produce friction and unrest in their lives, we should practice a purer perception of them, and when we speak of others, speak of their good qualities.
Dalai LamaCompassion is of little value if it just remains an idea. It must motivate how we respond to others and be reflective in all our thoughts and actions
Dalai LamaIf the mind is dominated by hatred, the best part of the brain, which is used to judge right and wrong, does not function properly.
Dalai LamaHumanity happy, I get benefit. Humanity in state of trouble, or violence, I cannot escape from that.
Dalai LamaMaterial objects give rise to physical happiness, while spiritual development gives rise to mental happiness. Since we experience both physical and mental happiness, we need both material and spiritual development. This is why, for our own good and that of society we need to balance material progress with inner development.
Dalai Lama