When you are discontent, you always want more, more, more. Your desire can never be satisfied. But when you practice contentment, you can say to yourself, 'Oh yes - I already have everything that I really need.'
Dalai Lama...it becomes clear that, given our diversity, no single religion satisfies all humanity. ... And since the majority does not practice religion, I am concerned to try to find a way to serve all humanity without appealing to religious faith.
Dalai LamaIf you have peace of mind, when you meet with problems and difficulties they wonโt disturb your inner peace. Youโll be able to employ your human intelligence more effectively. But, if your mental state is disturbed, full of emotion, it is very difficult to cope with problems, because the mind that is full of emotion is biased, unable to see reality. So whatever you do will be unrealistic and naturally fail.
Dalai LamaWe must realize that it is best to focus on our oneness, to re emphasize what is the same about each of us rather than dwell on what is different.
Dalai LamaYou are the people who are shaping a better world. One of the secrets of inner peace is the practice of compassion.
Dalai LamaTo the extent that our experience of suffering reminds us of what everyone else also endures, it serves as a powerful inspiration to practice compassion and avoid causing others pain. And to the extent that suffering awakens our empathy and causes us to connect with others, it serves as the basis of compassion and love.
Dalai Lama