It is difficult to violently suppress people in the long run, as the example of the Soviet Union and the Eastern European countries has shown.
Dalai LamaYour motivation should be sincere and your life should be of benefit to some people. That is the main thing. Don't care after my death.
Dalai LamaAfter I handed over all my authority, I feel now our struggle [for Tibet ] become much, much safer. And me personally, the day I officially handed over, that night, very unusual sound. I am quite free now.
Dalai LamaWe can't be useful to ourselves unless we're useful to others .... Anyone concerned only by his own well-being will suffer eventually. Anyone concerned with the well-being of others takes care of himself without even thinking about it. Even if we decide to remain selfish. let us be intelligently selfish - let us help others.
Dalai Lama