It is one of the peculiar truths of life that people often say things that they know full well are ridiculous.
Daniel HandlerFetching objects for people who are too lazy to fetch them for themselves is never a pleasant task, particularly when the people are insulting you.
Daniel HandlerThere are some secrets you want to keep to yourself, even if they don't matter. They might only matter if you keep them secret.
Daniel HandlerI am certain that over the course of your own life, you have noticed that people's rooms reflect their personalities. In my room, for instance, I have gathered a collection of objects that are important to me, including a dusty accordion on which I can play a few sad songs, a large bundle of notes on the activities of the Baudelaire orphans, and a blurry photograph, taken a very long time ago, of a woman whose name is Beatrice. These are items that are very precious and dear to me.
Daniel Handler