You know I want to be a director, but you could never truly see the movies in my head and that, Ed, is why we broke up.
Daniel Handler'Help me,' Allison says, but she is soft-spoken, and everyone she loves is so far away.
Daniel HandlerSometimes even in most unfortunate of lives there will occur a moment or two of good.
Daniel HandlerKnowing that something is wrong and doing it anyway happens very often in life, and I doubt I will ever know why.
Daniel HandlerEvery night I give a violin recital for six hours, and attendance is mandatory. The word 'mandatory' means that if you don't show up, you have to buy me a large bag of candy and watch me eat it.
Daniel HandlerWhen it was first optioned, I was told that the chances of The Basic Eight becoming a film were slim because no one was making teen movies, and then later, I was told that the chances were slim because there were so many teen movies, and then I was later told that the chances were slim because teen films were over. I'm not sure when the magic window of opportunity was, but perhaps it's still on the horizon.
Daniel Handler