If you're looking for can-do, earthy-crunchy attitude then you've got to go to Wisconsin.
Dar WilliamsBut I benefit from the taxes I pay because I know how to access the benefits of the taxes.
Dar Williams"Is it how she moves, or how she looks?" I say it's loneliness suspended to our own like grappling hooks, And as long as she's got noise, she's fine. But I could teach her how I learned to dance when the music's ended.
Dar WilliamsWhat happened on "As Cool As I Am" was, you know how in the `90s, "the personal is political, the political is personal"? That was a really big thing. Choices you made about how you recorded and what instruments you used and how much real versus how much synthetic. Those were choices that were seen as very political at the time.
Dar Williams