Its a perfectly good face, Sparhawk." "It covers the front of my head. What else can you expect from a face?
David EddingsI have an unconscious burglar living in my mind: If I read something, it's mine. I can read Middle English stories, Geoffrey Chaucer or Sir Thomas Malory, but once I start moving in the direction of contemporary fantasy, my mind begins to take over.
David EddingsIt's gaudy, ugly, and in terribly bad taste. It does, however, suit my personality almost perfectly.
David EddingsBehold Vo Mimbre," Mandorallen proclaimed with pride, "queen of cities. Upon that rock the tide of Angarak crashed and recoiled and crashed again. Upon this field met they their ruin. The soul and pride of Arendia doth reside within that fortress and the power of the Dark One may not prevail against it." "We've been here before, Mendorallen," Mister Wolf said sourly.
David Eddings